3 Oct 2013

The Last Two Faces

Ha! I did it! A full 29 faces challenge!
Here are the last two...

Aya and Shin, I'm not sure who is older or younger because they share traits of the bossy/teasing big sibling and the annoying younger one. Just plain base colours. I screwed up Aya's proportions, and I'm still playing around with their hair colour.
And, uh, no hands.

Day 28 and 29: Completed.

29 Faces ~ September 2013 Challenge: MISSION FINALLY ACCOMPLISHED!

Now onto catching up on everyone elses and assignments. Yay.


  1. Memmy!!!! Champion effort, you always amaze me with your can do attitude you are a creative powerhouse of activity (and getting great results from all the efforts) :)

  2. I like your Mangafaces!
    I have finished my 29 faces also, so I now have some time to visit all the participants of the challenge :-)
    Have a great day!
    xxx Marianne MW


If you have a few moments I would really appreciate your feedback on my post :) and thank you for dropping by so I could share my stories with you :)