1 Mar 2018

The last two!

Good evening/morning!

Ah, I love the sense of a completed challenge. Don't like the dawning horror of finding something else to do, but I'll figure it out. Eventually.

Anyway, thanks Ayala Art for hosting the challenge! And congrats to everyone who participated!

Days 28 & 29
"Santa Fe Garden"
29 Faces Feburary 2018: Mission completed!!

Have a wonderful day everyone!

28 Feb 2018

Day 23 - 27


How is everyone going?

I went to the movies on the weekend (did I mention that)? Black Panther is really cool, so if you like superheroes or interesting stories or one really really good/bad pun I recommend it!

Day 23
"Val Shadow"
 Day 24
 Day 25
"Coral Grey"
 Day 26 and 27
"Koamaru and Silver"
Alright! Two faces to go and I've got some music to listen to! Let's try and do this!

One big catch up


So I lost track of time... Again, but I am still doing art. And eating. More eating than art, but still.

Day 18
"Dear Lights"
 Day 19 - Mitch picked the colours for this one!
"DTY Flat"

Day 20
"DTY Shadows"
 Day 21 and 22
"Sho Lace"

Anyway, I'm behind and have lots of things to work out, so have a great day!

21 Feb 2018

Days 14-17!


How is everyone going?

I've been trying to learn Japanese, which is fun. And frustrating. But fun.

Day 14 (the Valentines one)
"3D Kisses"

Day 15
"Calm Days"
 Day 16
"Mickie W"
 Day 17
"Fear of being Forgotten"
Days 14-17: Taadaa!!!

Have a nice day! I have a game I want to play (out of the many I still haven't finished!)

18 Feb 2018

10-13 of the Challenge


How is everyone?

I fell a little behind, being busy and constantly moving between places, but I did some faces!

Day 10
"Still Staurday" - Which was done on a Monday
Day 11
"Arizona Wrangler"
Days 12 and 13
"Faces on a page" - Which is a great name for a piece, I know.
Anyway, I'm a bit behind and have lots to do, so see ya!

10 Feb 2018

Days 5-9


How is everyone going?

Day 5
"Rest my Soul"

Day 6
"Mirror image"

Day 7
"Look, I have no clue what I was doing"

Day 8
"Forest Elf"

Day 9

Days 5-9: Done and dusted!

Now to do a face for today.

See ya!

4 Feb 2018

First Four Days of a new challenge


I'm joining the challenge again! Although I am a little bit late.

I helped with an opening for an exhibition in the Caboolture art gallery and went to see Night Vale with Dad yesterday. So kinda busy!

Anyway, here are the first of the faces!

Day 1

A Kid

Day 2
Self portrait - From a touring kids exhibition 'Me, Myselfie & I'.
Also using Angela Tiatia activity, and I can go on for a while about her (since I studied her work)
That counts right? Even if I'm missing a mouth and eyes. Look, I'm sorry, but the mirror made it so I couldn't see those features.

Day 3
'Hint of Tech'

Day 4

Taadaa! Four faces! See, perfectly on time!

Have a wonderful day everyone!